

The starting point is always the knitted textile. Tension, structure, colour and pattern are all variables. The development possibilities are further more multiplied by the yarn applied. The combinations are endless. However, sometimes one trial seems just right. This just right is one of the happy moments of my work. After comes the dance between function and form in relation to the given textile.

The entire process can be described as an experience of finding and thereafter transmitting, meaning letting the discovery take as many expressions as different people wearing the final piece of clothing.

My integrated production facility gives me the chance to go all the way from yarn to final product. It is a very hands on and 1:1 way of working. It offers me some other possibilities of discoveries than designing on a computer and sending drawings to an external manufacturer would. The in house production also means very little transport related to the making of each piece and no obligation to overproduce which often occurs when outsourcing production.